The Future Day is intended to help young people shape their future. Girls and boys get to know new, possibly also untypical fields of work and areas of life and gain experience for life.
In this way, new horizons open up and they gain the courage and self-confidence to take their future into their own hands, detached from rigid gender images. The National Future Day thus promotes equality between women and men in career choices and life planning at an early stage. It is a cooperation project between schools, the world of work and parents.
The Future Day is aimed at pupils in the 5th - 7th grade.
The children are supervised by our company's trainers and apprentices throughout the day. They get an insight into all the professions our company offers. At the same time, the children will make an object
which they can then take home as a souvenir. At noon, we invite everyone to a spaghetti lunch in our cafeteria.