Machining piece | © SCHÜTZ GmbH & Co. KGaA, Selters DE


DE-56242 Selters

The company Schütz GmbH & Co. KGaA was founded in 1958 by Udo Schütz for the production of heating oil tanks in Selters (Westerwald). As a leading manufacturer of industrial packaging, especially the "Schütz IBC", you are represented as a family business in 21 countries worldwide. The company Schütz has been growing above average for years and attaches great importance to sustainability and the location Germany. More than 2,200 employees work at the headquarters in Selters (Westerwald). Its other business areas include industrial services, "composites" for wind energy and aviation, and systems for heating and air-conditioning technology. The employees, many of whom have been with the company for many years and are loyal to the company, are a very important competitive factor in this success story.

When we invested in the BFR24 from Reiden at the end of 2018, we were not disappointed. We purchased this machine, for our tool shop, to supplement and relieve our workload and were very positively surprised by the commissioning process and adherence to deadlines from the moment we placed the order. Furthermore, the machine has a very good accuracy paired with stability and the latest technology. With the Reiden BFR24, we can produce very high-quality molded components in the plastics and stamping technology sectors on a single machine. We process punching and forming tools, machine components, welded constructions as well as deep hole drilling up to 1,100 mm on the machine. We are not only very satisfied with the processing machine, but also with Reiden Technik AG as a partner. We appreciate the fast, uncomplicated and accommodating service from Reiden.

Homepage SCHÜTZ GmbH & Co. KGa
Picture with Hahn Markus and Linder Marvin | © SCHÜTZ GmbH & Co. KGaA, Selters DE

Markus Hahn & Marvin Linder


«Thanks to the Reiden BFR24 more productivity and accuracy in tool and steel construction»

Processing examples